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(259/308) 1811 - FTP plugin uses wrong username when connecting to SFTP server as multiple users

Since version v1.0.2 of the FTP plugin, when connecting to the same SFTP server with different usernames, only the first username is used.

*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Connecting to a server as one user and save a file to a location accessible only to that user.

2. Connect to the same server as another user and attempt to save a file to the same location.

*Expected results:*

The save should fail with a "Permission denied" error.

*Actual results:*

The save succeeds, with the file saved as the initial user.

After reverting to v1.0.1, the correct user is used.

jEdit 5.1.0 (and earlier versions), OS X 10.10 (and earlier versions), Java 1.6.0

Submitted dstillman - 2015-01-17 23:21:49.227000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels
Status open Group None
Resolution None


2015-01-17 23:40:12.419000

And in case it's relevant, I'm using key-based authentication with "Save Password" enabled (which in this case just means that it's remembering the key file being used).